Winehouse's passing is a reminder that youth (and adults) should derive their self-esteem from the right sources

By Alex McFarland

The recent passing of musician Amy Winehouse is a clear reminder that, beginning as early in life as possible, individuals need to develop healthy perspectives on their value as a human being. Amy Winehouse was an award-winning musician who enjoyed praise from fans, respect from critics, and international fame. But sadly, the perks of stardom and the gratification of artistic expression weren't enough to fill Amy Winehouse's heart.

Like so many other musical firebrands who burned out early (the list of more famous names includes Hendrix, Joplin, Morrison, Presley, Cobain, et al), Winehouse seemed to truly be on a path of intentional destruction. It has been agonizing to watch her journey play out over the last few years: There has been habitual drunkenness, drug use, erratic public performances not to mention shocking changes in appearance that included plastic surgery and the toll exacted by her lifestyle. Amy Winehouse had many things that many assume would result in fulfillment- yet it was clear that she was unfulfilled.

I believe that Amy Winehouse's life and death is a clear illustration of some basic realities about what it means to be human. Though they may not say it in these words, all individuals seek acceptance, significance, and security. Every one wants to feel like they have value as a person and that their life has meaning. Our pursuits for solid answers to the heart's deep longings may tempt us to do things that can be personally detrimental. The quest to fill the heart can lead to destruction of the body in which that heart (and soul) are housed.

I believe this is what happened to the late Amy Winehouse. After two decades in ministry and in the course of working with countless families, I have seen similar scenarios played out in the lives of many people. Parents should understand that they must encourage their children to find personal worth, value, and meaning in the appropriate places. The natural longings of the human mind and soul should be answered in ways that are not destructive to the individual.

Self-esteem: Developing a sense of how I see me

Whether positive or negative, realistic or not, the views we form of ourselves during childhood and adolescence stay with us for years. Our self-esteem influences mental acuity, emotional health, and behavior.

Beverly Odom, assistant director of a large student ministry in Georgia, says, "The pressure on most kids today is just unbelievable. The quest to be accepted goes on "24-7." Odom comments on the fact that even youth from religious homes (who would likely be more inclined to base their self worth on their relationship to God) are not immune to pressures related to image and popularity: "Even Christian teens can lose sight of all that they have in Christ, and can be pressured to do things that, deep down, they know are wrong. Teen girls, especially, constantly compare themselves to each other and to images they see in the media. I often see the body obsession thing linger on into adulthood."

How do we help the children and teens around us arrive at a God-honoring, balanced sense of self? "The kids we've seen flourish are the ones who accurately understand who they are in Christ," says Beverly Odom. "They must draw their identity from Jesus. Parents should try and steer their kids away from allowing peer-pressure, social posturing, or the media sour their perspective."

A godly perspective in a world that's (too often) "all about me"

For a Christian, there are clear and tangible reasons to feel OK about who they are. For individuals of any age, one's perception of their own worth should be grounded on (and bolstered by) the following realities:

1. By the realization that they are made in God's image;

2. In the awareness that Jesus personally cares about them;

3. Through the unconditional love that is (or should be) present in the home;

4. Through the accepting haven provided by one's church;

5. In their true status as a resident (and heir) of heaven;

6. In the confidence that God has a plan for their life.

These truths can be a great source of encouragement, but we know that emotions don't automatically "catch up" to the facts that we hold in our mind. Self-esteem issues often feed on irrationality. We must vigilantly pursue an honest view of ourselves, of our circumstances, and of God. Feelings of insecurity (which can lead to unhealthy behaviors) should not 'trump' the facts (that we are made in God's image and are complete in Christ).

For the Christian, one's self-esteem is grounded in things outside of themselves (see Colossians 2:8-9). Of the six truths listed above, none lead us to find our value by comparing ourselves to others. Some one will always come along who is prettier, a better athlete, wealthier, or who has a higher GPA. In a world of more than six billion people, that's inevitable.

Approach life as a competition, and it doesn't take long to realize that we all eventually get left behind by the next fastest runner. The comfort is in knowing that we are a priority to God.

The tragic decline and death of Amy Winehouse is a reminder that individuals of all ages need a clear understanding of Who Jesus Christ is, and a personal experience of His love and care. This provides lasting purpose and clear direction- even to those traversing the heady, challenging, and sometimes "tooth-and-claw" years of adolescence.

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