Where To Find Funny Turbans Around The World

By Sue Carpenter

A turban can be used by a men, women or child, because required by their religion, or with other functional purposes. These accessories used to cover hair and head, can have different colors, models and sometimes are offering information about the social status of that person. Sometimes people wearing this type of headdress can exaggerate with the design, and the result are the funny turbans.

The tradition to cover head comes from long time ago. In the Byzantine period, the first persons to wear a type of headgear were the army soldiers. Turbans are more traditional among the Muslim religions, but not only. This type of headdress has the scope to protect the hair and head from sand and powerful sunlight. An extension of the turban's material is often used in desert areas, to protect the face.

In India for example, many types of headgear can be found. Some are saying that the design of this accessory can change every 15 km. These accessories used to cover had can be black or white, or very colored. In the state of Rajasthan the size of the turban can indicate the position of that person in the society. Therefore some of these can reach impressive dimensions, reaching up to 80 feet length.

The type of the turban will differ from a person to another. Therefore those used by a simple person can be very different from the ones used by officials. A type of headgear named "pagari" can reach up to the dimension of 80feet long and 30feet wide. This is used by a member of a family, to show that he is the one take the control of the family business. Pagari is not only having impressive dimensions, but is made of colored materials as well.

Some of the funniest turbans are those worn by Sikhs. Sikhism is a specific religion where the followers have to wear a turban. Its design depends again, on some parameters from the community. While some can choose to wear a small and simple one, some funny people are choosing to wear a large and colored turban, along with a sword.

Sikhs are using to cover head a type of headgear named "dumallas". The religion is requiring them to wear these headdresses in all moments of the day. A sign of their warrior position are the metallic accessories named "Chond Tora", which are applied in general in front of the turban.

In Jamaica the turban worn by a Rastafarian for example, has a funny design due to the used colors. These are the red, green and black, the official colors of the Rastafarianism. Assorted with their colored outfits, these types of headgears are also having the role of protecting hair from dust, not only during concerts, but in other occasions as well.

The significance of a turban will vary from a religion to another, from a region to another. Even if the utilization of a headdress can have much significance, it should not be ignored the spiritual side. Some people are now using funny turbans because their initial significance was exceeded, with the adding of new meanings.

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