The Significance Of A Head Turban

By Amanda Baird

Scarves are pieces of continuous wrapping of cloth tied on the hair. They do have various uses and significance in different parts of the world. People do use them for various reasons depending on the culture, medical or religious practices surrounding the wearer. But generally, a head turban is mainly used to cover hair and preserve cleanliness of the hair from dust and dirt.

For the Sikhs, these scarves are seen as part of the skull wear by people from the community. They cover their heads suing the cloth in a bid to respect their beliefs and cultural practices. The practice symbolizes their respect towards their creator. They must wear it as they visit the temple because the place is sacred and must be respected. They also believe that God id everywhere so they have to wrap the scarves all the time.

It stands as recognition of teachings that Guru gave to his followers. It represents sovereignty, self respect and dedication on Sikhism. Sikhs regard it sacred symbol as it promotes equality in the religion. Hair scarves area mostly worn by men of Sikh religion hence acts as an identity feature. They do not cut their hair since it is going against the nature of creation.

In the Islam community, religious leaders must wrap their heads with these scarves. The caps are used to contain hair because of their shapes. They have a conical shape and are mostly white in color. They come in various sizes to suit the needs of each wearer. The Islam community wears white scarves because they regard the color as holly. Green on the other hand is regarded to as a paradise color.

Islam governed countries do require men to have scarves for national dress. They prescribe different ways in which scarves are worn so as to avoid misuse by non Muslim nationals. Taliban members wear long scarves intertwined and mostly having loose ends on them. The hanging piece rests on his shoulder. Governments do also provide hats as alternatives to hair scarves.

North African tribes residing along the Saharan desert cover themselves from dust and dirt by using scarves. In the desert, it is normally windy. Tribesmen disguise themselves by covering their faces with scarves and hence they are not easily traceable by their enemies. A color used by one, makes the identity of a tribe that he hails from known.

Indian citizens use scarves to segregate themselves in terms of class, caste and profession one is in. The gears also signify wealth and power one has in the society, for example political leaders in India. Different wrappings come with the type of turban one uses. In Palestine, scarves are folded diagonally and then draped carefully on the skull. However, different styles and colors used dictate different regions that wearers hail from. When fitted on the head, the scarf is held by black cords so that they may not drop off.

Rastafarian also wraps them for religious reasons. They use the head turban to cover their dreadlocks. They use a hand knitted scarf made of three colors.

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