Sports & Fame

By Christian Roy

The average television series airs 22 new episodes per season. As of late, networks like FX and HBO have 13 episode seasons. For that reason, I'm quite amazed at the level of fame attained by the lead actors of those shows, considering how little we see of them.

Since I'm a Montreal Canadiens fan, I think of the players, over twenty men who travel all over America and Canada to perform in front of enormous crowds not 13 times year, and not 22 times a year, but an insane 82 afternoons and nights throughout every season.

Only soap operas and newscasts boast similar numbers in a year, but then again, soap opera stars and news anchors don't perform in front of some twenty thousand screaming fans on a regular basis.

Musicians tour extensively as a part of their career, sometimes playing as many as two hundred gigs in large and smaller venues. Their shows, however, aren't televised and seen my millions of eyes.

This puts professional sports in a category all its own, and in my heart, hockey in particular, and even deeper than that, my Montreal Canadiens.

I mean, they have to put up with a mindboggling level of celebrity. If they had a great game, then people will be lining up to have their picture taken or collect an autograph. If they had a poor night, then the fans will get mad at them. They won't hesitate to let the athlete know what they think. At least, that's how it is in Montreal.

In the city that hosts their team, their home turf, they can't have a bad day. With communications being what they are in today's world (Twitter, Facebook, etc.), a player's bad day toward the fiftieth fan to beg for an autograph can literally turn a nearly deadly public eye on that player come game time.

The team pays for publicists and therapists to teach athletes how to behave around the fans, no matter what the situation, but I'm sure some players would trade all their fame for just a little bit of anonymity.

Now the next time you run into an athlete you like, just be nice to him. Forgive him if he's not in the best of moods. Remember he's got his own life and problems, and offer a kind word. He might be in a hurry, so it doesn't mean he doesn't appreciate your support. If you base your opinion of him based on that short meeting, you'll probably be way off target.

Our athletes, no matter their discipline of choice, are role models for a reason: they do their best to be good, and for the most part, they do a great job of putting up with their hectic life.

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