To Do On Easter Day Guide

By Catherine Smith

Easter is a time of joy and happiness, and most of us get together with family and friends to celebrate and rejoice.Christians celebrate Easter day because that's the day that Jesus rose from the grave. However, non-religious people celebrate Easter day as well. They use this day to get together with family and friends and they celebrate just being alive, they celebrate being with the ones they love and they give each other candy and Easter eggs. Whatever your reasons, you should plan to do something on Easter day. If you need suggestions, just ask your friends and family what they're doing that day.

To give the people something more to enjoy on Easter day the musical called Easter Parade was made in 1948, starring Fred Astaire and Judy Garland.Easter day is when restaurants prepare to be filled to the maximum, especially around lunch time when religious people get back from church. Easter day is a big church day, as Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus and then they go out to eat.

At the Easter Parade in New York City, you will be able to admire different types of costumes displayed by those in the parade and also the Easter Bonnets, which is in fact the attraction of that day. If you want to beat the crowds, pick a time that's a little earlier than church lets out, or choose a later hour, such as right between lunch and dinner. The crowds shouldn't be too bad and you'll be able to celebrate Easter day with your friends and family without having to stand in a long line just to get seated.

For the parade the traffic will be closed on the whole course where the parade is expected to run.You already have the Easter candy for dessert and a picnic is also a great location to have an Easter egg hunt. If the kids are there, have them hide their eyes while you hide the eggs you have already decorated. Then, let the kids loose. You can have a competition where the child who finds the most wins a prize. Or, you can get those plastic eggs that come apart where you can hide candy or money inside. That makes for a very special Easter, indeed, at least as far as the children are concerned.

You can also enjoy different types of specific to Easter dishes made especially for the parade festivities.Easter, after all, is all about family and that togetherness you share. So, this Easter, plan a get together with your loved ones. No matter what you do, celebrate everything you're thankful for. After all, it's Easter day.

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