What to be dressed in for auditions in 2012?

By Fred Myerstan

The clothes you wear can tell someone who you are even before you open your mouth to speak. More specifically, you have to be careful on the choice of colors you wear for auditions in 2012. In this section, I will take you through the meaning different colors may convey to the panel of judges. It is then up to you to choose which color best suits you for the auditions:

1. Green. It may be utilized to symbolize fertility, the natural world and general well-being. This notion is borrowed from the truth that most healthy and productive plants have green leaves. When wearing it for auditions you can convey a message of energy which you feel a need of modification or development and there's a state of balance, calmness and order on your life. Other messages this color conveys are freedom to pursue new thoughts and independence.

2. Yellow. Dazzling yellow is primarily linked with sunshine and represents happiness and joy. You will find various shades of yellow and each shade conveys its individual meaning. Nevertheless, probably the most typical shade could be the clear light sunny yellow. Furthermore, this color is generally related with wisdom and intellect so count on 1 or two inquiries from the panel. Yellow conveys a cheery and uplifting atmosphere that will supplement your smile just before the auditions.

related: auditions 2012

3. Red. Wearing red for auditions conveys the message of courage and energy. Other messages that are portrayed by this color are determination, power and passion. If you are not a very confident person, try wearing red to supplement your energy. However, you may want to avoid dark red as it also represents anger, rage and malice. On the other hand, red can also represent sexuality.

4. Brown. It is the earth’s color and is commonly used to represent humility, although at times it may be viewed as dull. Many consider this color much more casual than black. It is also a sign of dependability and persistence. Wearing this color to the auditions may also bring you out as a neutral person.

5. White. This color symbolizes innocence and purity; and the good thing about it is that it can blend with any other color. At the auditions panel you may come across as open and truthful which is not a bad thing. Nevertheless, white can make you appear soft and delicate which can be detrimental as the panel may unconsciously develop a habit of picking up on you.

6. Orange. This color could be utilized to show excitement and creativity. It could also imply vitality coupled with persistence. Orange is actually a dynamic color and shows some kind of control, care along with a motivation for exploration. Wearing orange in the auditions will help balance your feelings especially if you're scared or nervous.

7. Indigo/purple. Purple is definitely a mixture of red and blue, that happen to be two of the most popular colors. On the auditions, this color would enhance in you a feeling of fulfilment specifically spiritual fulfilment. This can be colour which is also linked with royalty and abundance; it's essentially the most widespread color for kings and queens. Other messages conveyed by this color are fantasy, imagination and suspense.

8. Black. Black may be the most misinterpreted color. It's typical in official settings such as dinner and dates. Even so, this color also portrays death in some communities. The color portrays mystery, peaceful emptiness, self-control and inconspicuousness.

As you can see from the above descriptions, the color you wear for 2012 auditions can determine to some extent what the panel will think of you. Therefore, choose your clothes wisely.

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