Before you go shopping at jewelry auctions Fairfax, you have to make sure you bring a little bit more money than you are planning to spend. You never know what additional super duper deals you will find, and you will kick yourself if you only had to bring a little bit more money, and it could have been yours.
Also, sometimes you might want to only purchase one or two items, but the auction-house makes you buy a whole lot. Sometimes lots can be as small as 5 items, and sometimes they can be as large as 500 items. In any event, since jewelry is such a small item, it is common to find auction-houses selling it in lot form, so you really should be prepared for this.
Even if antique jewels are not your favorite, you will find that they are an excellent investment. You can always resell them, and many people love these items. You will have buyers that like to wear the pieces, and you will have buyers that just collect them and enjoy gazing at their collection from time to time.
In addition, to get good sales, they really should have well-lit, almost professional photographs. Many people are not going to go through with this, so you will be missing out on some great deals if you do not shop both online and offline.
Online auctions and live ones both have their advantages and disadvantages. If you are serious about doing well as a business person or as a collector, you should understand that both have their value.
If you can, do research before you get to the auction, so that you know what will be for sale. That way you will know what you want to bid on before you even get there. Some sales will tell you what their inventory is going to be, but many will not. So you have to be watching the auctioneer and making sure that you do not miss anything. Some auctioneers go extremely fast, just like they do in movies, so be ready for this too.
Also, sometimes you might want to only purchase one or two items, but the auction-house makes you buy a whole lot. Sometimes lots can be as small as 5 items, and sometimes they can be as large as 500 items. In any event, since jewelry is such a small item, it is common to find auction-houses selling it in lot form, so you really should be prepared for this.
Even if antique jewels are not your favorite, you will find that they are an excellent investment. You can always resell them, and many people love these items. You will have buyers that like to wear the pieces, and you will have buyers that just collect them and enjoy gazing at their collection from time to time.
In addition, to get good sales, they really should have well-lit, almost professional photographs. Many people are not going to go through with this, so you will be missing out on some great deals if you do not shop both online and offline.
Online auctions and live ones both have their advantages and disadvantages. If you are serious about doing well as a business person or as a collector, you should understand that both have their value.
If you can, do research before you get to the auction, so that you know what will be for sale. That way you will know what you want to bid on before you even get there. Some sales will tell you what their inventory is going to be, but many will not. So you have to be watching the auctioneer and making sure that you do not miss anything. Some auctioneers go extremely fast, just like they do in movies, so be ready for this too.
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