The Ryan Reynolds Workout

By Joe Maldonado

The reason why a lot of people want to know about the Ryan Reynolds workout is because he is actually one of the best looking movie stars out there. When he got his famous role in Blade Trinity, he began an amazing transformation in which he managed to gain a full 20 pounds of muscle.

Even more amazing is the fact that he was additionally able to get his body fat down to a mere 3%! By following a proper diet and the right workout plan, Ryan Reynolds was able to successfully get the six-pack abs that he has become famous for. The best part is that he has been able to keep his sculpted body even though his movie role was finished long ago.

Ryan Reynolds made sure that he ate every few hours, but he never ate so much that he felt overly full. His diet required him to make sure that he was never hungry at any time, but it was also important that he maintained proper hydration. This is why he had to be sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day. In order to stave off the hunger, he would munch on a protein bar, and a good breakfast for Ryan would be some egg whites and oatmeal minus the sugar.

An example of what Ryan would eat for lunch on his diet would be something like either brown rice or vegetables along with a healthy portion of chicken. In order to keep from getting hungry, he would eat another protein bar in a few hours. For protein at dinnertime he would normally have something like chicken or fish and then on the side he would eat vegetables and a salad. For the Ryan Reynolds workout, there was definitely some visualization required. He had a trainer that knew he would have an easier time committing to his workout if he envisioned the exact results that he desired to get to in the end.

Since Ryan didn't have a lot of fat to lose, there wasn't a lot of cardio involved in the workout. However, he did have to do a lot of heavy weight lifting to get the results he wanted. He would normally do up to 12 repetitions of his weight training exercises, and he would only take one day off out of the week. When Ryan did his weight training he would focus on specific body parts like his legs, back or shoulders and mix it in with another group of muscles.

The most difficult group of muscles to sculpt is the lower abs. The way that he attacked this muscle group was by working out with exercise balls. He would lift up and down with his arms while the exercise balls were placed in between his legs. For even more tension he would add a 15 lb. weight between his feet. The Ryan Reynolds workout is a fairly decent workout plan for anyone who desires to get the sculpted look that Ryan has, and it does work as long as you combine the diet plan along with the workouts.

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